Wednesday, November 28, 2007

the Fam

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to drop a line of encouragement to you concerning our families. The family is such a wonderful institution. God created something "very good" when he brought man and woman together to proliferate the face of the earth. There are more than 6.6 billion people currently sharing this earth. The shocking fact is it all started with just two! I trust you can figure out how the rest of us got here. The statistics of all this are truly amazing. Even more amazing is this thought, of all the billions on this earth God sent His son to die for me. I know my thoughts, my actions and my intentions. I know at times they fall short of what they should be. But outside of that sounding amazingly individualistic, let's consider what an amazing love!

I'm loved. Not for what I have. Not for what I have done. Not even for of who I am.

BUT because who He is.

This is the type of love that heals broken hearts. This is the type of love that repairs the brokenness of mankind. This kind of love reunites families and this is the love that has saved me!

Since we are firmly into the holidays I am encouraging everyone to seek out a family member you have not seen, heard from or hugged in far too long. It matters not what they have. Not even what they have done. Reach out simply because God demonstrates this LOVE to us. It is of the greatest importance that we not allow our preferences, expressions and especially lifestyles get in the way. I say this because this is the blueprint detailing how God reached out to us. The Bible says "while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom 5:8) As this relates to sin this passage includes every thing imaginable. Some of you may say "Yikes! Surely God hates Sin!" Then you would be only partially correct. And even though God will not except sin, He still excepts sinners.

So I say again, Allow nothing to deter you from reconciling with your families this season. I urge you to lovingly restore one who has fallen from "grace". This is God's will and exactly how He is working through you in our world. If you won't hear me then take it from someone far wiser.

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"


"Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. Stop criticizing others, or it will all come back on you. If you forgive others, you will be forgiven. (NLT Luke 6:37)
- Jesus

Till next time, Peace and Blessings . . .